Our world is getting more and more complicated, year by year...
I wonder why we have to make everything so darn complicated?
Everyday we are bombarded with so many choices to choose, decisions to make, issues to think about...why??
Many years ago before the advent of computers, we have barter system- u want my carrot? sure. Trade your char siew pau with me. After that we have calculators. People in the old days do businesses using calculators, not complex mathematical softwares and crazy formulas. Now is the advanced age. We use computers. Yeah sure its faster and more efficient. Its godsend. And still, it cannot avert economic crisis for human!
Back to 10 years ago or so, we only have Aspirin for heart attacks in this part of the world. Now, we have newer drugs like Plavix, warfarin and what nots. Yes it definitely help to prolong people's life (or suffering depending on which context u see it). And then? so what? The same people who survive the heart attack ripen into old age, gets some nasty cancer later in life, or H1N1, or simply gets dumped by their children into nursing homes. U might think im exaggerating but its logical and possible definitely!
In our grandparents day, its either marry or dont get marry. Now we have marry, unmarried, married AND keep another outside, Open relationship, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transsexual, prostitutes, sex buddies etc.....
Even talking about sex, last time its just sex and thats it. Nowadays sex comes in many flavours-vaginal sex, anal sex, oral sex, threesome, orgies, etc etc....
My head is spinning now LOLZ
Just like this song by Avril Lavinge:
Tell me why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
都知道貴人事忙的啦。。哈哈。 我還好啦。只是最近比較忙 :)你呢?
well... people are getting more and more specialized mar now. all the specialization of course wil means branches of tiny difference when they're all of the same field / functions. :P
medie007: so typical docs talk..."specialization" LOL. Well, i still think there are things in life that should be straight forward, eg. L O V E :P
this is call human EVOLUTION.. hahaha!! :p
sk: yup, i guess so. Can i evolute to be super happy and super rich? :P
sk: yup, i guess so. Can i evolute to be super happy and super rich? :P
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